An authentic Absinthe created by the vapour distillation and infusion of local wormwood and natural botanicals without the use of artificial colouring or flavouring.
If you could go back in time to the mid 1800’s, to hang with the young urban artistes that crowded street side cafés and back alley speak easy bars until way too late drinking the outrageous experimental new spirit called Absinthe, you might say to your buddy Van Gogh — “hey Van, take it easy, she just wants you to lay-off the green stuff a little and give her your ear once in a while”.
The once believed hallucinogenic properties of Absinthe have long been considered the influence on the great artists of the period, but we know the wackiness was just from way too much of a good thing coupled with no sleep.
Our authentic Absinthe is meticulously made in the original traditional method, from freshly harvested home grown wormwood and botanicals.
Crafted using 100% Ontario rye and aged for four years in new Ontario oak, new American oak & first fill bourbon casks, this is our truly grain-to-the-glass Rye Whisky.
Crafted using wormwood grown in our distillery garden along with other natural botanicals.Great to use in a classic cocktail such as a Sazerac or Corpse Reviver #2 in place of Absinthe.